Free Sheet Music for Shinobue



Free Shinobue Sheet Music Download


  • Learn how to read kanji numbers and use the fingering numbers for notes, instead of Western notation. Here is my tutorial video for kanji numbers. It’s very easy!

  • You can play all the songs here with ANY hon choshi as long as you use the fingering numbers (but it will not have the pitches noted on the Western notation.)

  • Tutorial videos for many of the songs below on my YouTube channel

  • The sheet music will be emailed to you. You will also receive my free shinobue newsletter.

  • All the songs are old Japanese melodies unless otherwise noted.

  • Check out more shinobue sheet music on my store!

Sheet music is typically sold for about $6 online.

Please consider ​donating to support my work​. Thank you! (kindly click the picture above to go to paypal.)


Level 1: Your very first songs


Level 2: Mostly ryo on


Level 3: some Kan on 2, 3, and accidentals


level 4: More kan on 2, 3, and accidentals


Level 5: kan on 4 and up


level 6: many kan on


Level 7: complex