😎Progress faster - Make Shinobue Practice Your Daily Ritual😌
There is no way around it. If you want to get good at shinobue, you must practice. But if your day seems to slip away with a busy schedule, make shinobue practice your daily ritual!
Incorporate playing shinobue into your bedtime ritual. Play 5-10 minutes to relax and unwind from the day. Don’t shoot for perfection. Just look for one good tone and feel the vibration. Have a quiet conversation with shinobue. You will sleep better. 😌
Take a break from your electric devices for a few minutes. Somehow, we all have time for our phones, TVs, and computers. Our brains will thank us for giving some of that time to shinobue.
Play your favorite nature channel on YouTube while you play shinobue. Beautiful scenery, sounds of birds chirping… Shinobue practice becomes a little vacation from the hustle and bustle of busy schedules. Here is my favorite channel https://www.youtube.com/live/OIqUka8BOS8?si=bYMBoc0rMFrRLx5S
I feel like I’m practicing shinobue in the forest surrounded by cute animals!
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