Wanna play shinobue like a pro? Use a metronome!

The Shinobue is an instrument that excels at playing melodies. Unlike the piano, the shinobue can only play one note at a time, which means it cannot create harmony on its own. Additionally, the shinobue is not particularly effective as a percussion instrument. It produces its most beautiful sound when playing a melody.

So, what is a melody?

According to Wikipedia, melody is a combination of pitch and rhythm, both of which are crucial for creating a recognizable musical line. If your rhythm is off, the timing of the pitches will be incorrect. Even if you have all the right notes, poor timing can make the tune unrecognizable.

For instance, consider a well-known melody like "Happy Birthday to You." If your timing is not accurate, listeners may not even realize you are playing that song. This illustrates just how important timing is in music.

Here is another example of why you need to pay very close attention to the timing.

When performing in front of an audience, you will likely be accompanied by other instruments, such as guitar or piano, or you may use a karaoke track. In either case, it is essential to play at the correct tempo and maintain the right rhythm for the song; otherwise, you will struggle to stay in sync with others or the track.

A metronome can really help with all the issues we've talked about and even give you more benefits.

If you are not familiar with a metronome, watch this short video created by a popular piano teacher, HDPiano, on YouTube.

Many beginner students sadly do not use a metronome, missing out on its amazing benefits! Here are some common reasons why people avoid using a metronome.

"Why do I need to use the metronome? I'm doing fine without it."

You might think that because... Most people are unaware that their timing is off.

This is the primary reason many people do not practice with a metronome. They often don’t see the need to use one because they don’t realize they have any rhythm, tempo, or counting issues.

Or they may be vaguely aware of their timing issue, but they don't realize how much it makes them play badly.

Even if you don't "think" you have timing issues, practice with a metronome anyway, and thank me later. 😄

"Playing with a metronome is hard. It really messes me up."

This is exactly the reason why you need to practice with a metronome! 😃

If you have a hard time playing with a metronome, it's likely that your timing needs some improvement. It can be challenging because it reveals when we’re offbeat. 😉 This is actually a great reason to practice with it. 👍

"I don't know which metronome app I should download."

Soundbrenner is the metronome app I use and love. It's free and available for both iOS and Android devices.


"I don't know which number I should put in."

I will answer this question next week when I share various great hacks to make your shinobue practice fun and easy using a metronome!

Like many professional musicians, I use my metronome EVERY DAY for my shinobue practice because it really speeds up my learning process. There are many great ways to use a metronome to help you get better faster!

If you want to be good at shinobue fast, you should us it too!

And it's absolutely free!!

This is probably the best invention for music learners since sliced bread (or a bowl of rice)!

Remember, a metronome is your best friend. 🥰