The most common question I receive on my YouTube channel is about kan on. "I can't produce the higher octave at all." "My kan on sounds awful." "I'm supposed to change the note without changing the fingering?? How??"
Read MoreMany of us didn't grow up hearing shinobue, so it's natural that you don't know what shinobue should sound like. As you practice, you may be thinking, "Does my tone sound good, or am I way off?" "Am I improving?" "Why am I so inconsistent?" or even "Is my shinobue broken???"
Read MoreTake this fun shinobue test and share it on social media!
Read MoreThe same physics applies inside your mouth. You need space to resonate sound. That's why great singers like Beyonce open their mouths big, especially for the high notes. MORE SPACE = MORE SOUND
Read MoreWhen he corrected my posture, it CHANGED me. Suddenly, I was able to play the note I had not been able to play consistently before. I know for sure that my playing will never be the same!! This slight adjustment in posture can change your playing forever, too!!!
Read MoreJapan!! 日本!!!!
Read MoreBunta sensei says great power resides in "Tanden".
Read MoreIf I asked anyone how to play the shinobue (or any flute, for that matter), they would say, "You blow air into the mouth hole." Oh, OK. Got it. Let's blow air.
But that's where things start to go wrong because...
Read MoreLearning how to get your lower lip out of the way can drastically improve your tone.
Read MoreWhat we "think" we are doing and what we are actually doing can be vastly different. That's why dance studios have mirrors everywhere. Using a mirror can be a game changer for shinobue learners, too.
Read MoreEvery shinobue journey is unique. Receive your personalized guide!
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Don’t waste your money or air. Learn how to stop running out of breath.
Read MoreHere are 3 awesome ideas to make shinobue practice into your daily ritual!
Read MoreMany shinobue manuals say to “Smile”. But the smiley position gives you a bad tone and even causes pain in your face. Why do they tell you to smile, then, and what’s the alternative?
Read MoreEven a cold, hard stone will give you warmth and goodness if you sit on it for 3 years. That's the culture shinobue was born in.
Read MoreFrom day 1, my teacher, Bunta Satoh sensei, said, "Your breath is too fast. Make it slow." But every time I thought I was making my breath slow, shinobue gave me a weak, frail and windy breath with no resonance.
Read More“I found you on Instagram when looking up Japanese flute. Would you be interested in performing at New York Fashion Week?” I received this text last week and thought it was spam. I looked up the sender, and she was a budding Asian fashion designer. This was real.
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